Friday, March 21, 2008

Achieving True Success Takes Time

I’m not sure how smart it is to go all “preachy” in the fourth day of a new business blog, but this being Good Friday, I figured I might get a pass.

As small-business people, it is very easy for us to work all the time. There always is something else to do – one last e-mail to send, one last report to complete or a quick call to return. The truth is that running a business is 24/7 – and for most of us, the wheels never stop churning, even when we are home with our families.

And there’s the problem. I’m sure many upcoming blogs will deal with this issue in some way, but let’s look at it today in the biggest picture possible. No matter how much there is to do, all our work is in vain if we let it define who we are.

We are not our business. We are not successful because we make enough money to support our family. We are successful because we have a family that loves us and would rather spend time with us than go to Disney this summer (although, admittedly, it might be close).

I say this as I didn’t get home until after 7 last night and will probably have to come in for a couple hours tomorrow (Saturday) morning. I am not naïve, and I realize that it takes time to make a business work – it just can’t take all our time. And even more importantly, it can’t take all our heart.

Don’t give your family your leftovers. Striking a balance is not easy, but it is essential. Think about what your kids will remember about you in 10 years. Think about what your spouse thinks of you now.

Again, I am not saying this as one who has completely overcome this common pitfall, just as one who loves his family more than his job.

And on this weekend, as we celebrate the resurrection of the One who loved us enough to die on the cross for us, let’s not miss an opportunity to love our families by giving them what they want most – us.

Have a blessed Easter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


as I sit hear reading this blog to my wife while taking numerous nudges to my side and comments like "hmmm......sounds familiar", I couldn't agree more. Well put, and well said, yet as many things in life, easier said than done.

As a small business owner it is very important to have clearly defined priorities in life.

Balance and piece of mind are not produced by going in earlier, staying later, being more efficient, or living with the sacrifice for now. They follow the person who develops a clear sense of his/her highest priorities and who lives with focus and integrity towards them.

I find it essential for me to have alone time each day to collect my thoughts and develop my priorities for the day. I do this early in the morning so that I can still get home at a decent time and be focused when I spend time with my 3 year old twins boys. I can't tell you how many dads, with kids who have already left home, I have heard say that they wished they spent more time with their kids while they were home. I think about that often, and don't want to be that dad. I know when the time comes and they are off on their own, I will still wish I had spent more time with them, but I will know I gave it my best with them when I had a chance.

As those of you without kids can attest, it is not all about the kids. There is also God, your spouse, and finding time to have fun to go along with work and kids. Don't forget about excercise and sleep. You talk about needing an extra hour in a about 10 hours to meet the needs of all of these things.

It goes back to what I said earlier, its all about finding a clear sense of your highest priorities and living with complete focus toward them and balancing each one.

Best of luck.

Nice topic Dave!

Clay Culpepper
Gibbs Culpepper Tree Service