Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Starting the Conversation

If you are like me, you are suspicious of any business person who has time to blog. While I generally believe that time is better spent actually doing our business than talking about doing it, there certainly are some subjects worth discussing.

It is my hope that this blog serves as a sounding board for area small businesses to share ideas, frustrations, challenges and opportunities. There is much we have in common -- probably more than we even realize -- and I hope this forum will bring those into the open.

This is not intended to be a portal for small business resources. It is not intended to be a networking site. It is not intended to be a harvesting site for new business. But if a little of that happens along the way, that's OK with me.

This blog is an open conversation between business people waking up every day facing the same issues. Where we go from there is up to us.

Let's talk.


mycotn said...

Thanks for starting the conversation, Dave. And I'm glad that you're taking the time to publish your thoughts for the rest of us (and we get to read them for free!).

Unknown said...

I use an external drive for back-up. It's convenient and portable. We back-up after completing our monthly billing - it's part of the routine